Recent Projects

The Fashion Atelier Certificate Programme (FACP)
時裝大師特訓班 (FACP)
Mission & Vision
Refined and sophisticated technical knowhow are fundamental qualities consistently found in TOP International Fashion Brands, with much emphasis placed on finesse of cut and proportion, together with attention to high quality design details. To enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness as a fashion design hub, it is essential for the local fashion practitioners to be on par with the leading international design professionals and equip themselves with top of the ladder skills in cutting and craftsmanship for making high quality designs and clothing best in fit, flair and aesthetic styles. The Fashion Atelier Certificate Programme (FACP) is a series of practical training programmes to be conducted by international top Masters with the aim to foster and broaden the local fashion industry’s awareness and skills, as well as to cultivate current and future generations of fashion creators, thereby upgrading the Hong Kong Fashion Design Industry onto new heights.
FACP Programme 2024-25
3D Innovation Cutting Programme
This September, the Fashion Atelier Certificate Programme (FACP) 2024 will present the "Binding Artistry: Exploring Print and Form Through Creative Collaboration" Exhibition, showcasing collaborative pieces of 3D cutting specialist, Robert Curry, and textile print Master, Simon Ungless. Curry has also been invited by FACP to lead a hands-on Master programme in Hong Kong for nurturing the next generation of couturiers in women’s fashion. Let’s immerse in the creative integration of prints and 3D cutting designs.
Celebrated for his mastery in draping and patternmaking, Robert Curry has collaborated with designers such as Julien Macdonald.
With his 35-year experience in textile design, Simon Ungless collaborated with Lee Alexander McQueen in founding the McQueen brand.
This showcase will open with an interactive campaign. Stay tuned to the project’s website or social media for more updates.
Organiser: Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association
Lead Sponsor: Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency
Date: 4-7 September 2024
Venue: Booth No. 3E-E06, CENTRESTAGE, HKCEC Hall 3E
今年九月,時裝大師特訓班 2024 將舉辦「藝然天成:剪裁與印染的創意融合」展覽,展出立體剪裁大師 Robert Curry 及紡織印染大師 Simon Ungless 的聯乘之作。同時Curry受時裝大師特訓班邀請,將於香港舉行專業特訓課程,以培育新一代的高級訂製女裝設計師。誠邀大眾一同體驗印染與立體剪裁設計的無縫結合。
Robert Curry 以立體剪裁和製版方面的精湛技藝而聞名,曾與知名設計師如 Julien Macdonald 合作。Simon Ungless 則擁有 35 年的印染設計經驗,並與好友 Lee Alexander McQueen 合作建立Alexander McQueen 品牌。
日期:2024 年 9 月 4 至 7 日
地點:香港會議展覽中心 CENTRESTAGE Hall 3E 展位編號 3E-E06

JUXTAPOSED 2023 Hong Kong Fashion in Bangkok
Juxtaposed 對比 2023 香港時裝風尚.曼谷
The Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association (HKFDA), with sponsorship of Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, opened “JUXTAPOSED 2023 Hong Kong Fashion in Bangkok” ran from October 22 until November 5, 2023 at Charoen Nakorn Hall of ICONSIAM. Being presented as one of the programmes of “Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok”, this event led Hong Kong’s fashion scene to new heights by collaborating with Hong Kong innovative and high-tech production teams to bring a creative and synchronised VR fashion experience to Thailand after the phenomenal success of JUXTAPOSED 2022 in Hong Kong.
Digital Transformation of Fashion Design & Craftsmanship
Committed to leading and exploring possibilities of the fashion industry, “JUXTAPOSED 2023 Hong Kong Fashion in Bangkok” invited 52 Hong Kong fashion designers across different generations and styles and four popular Thai designer brands for a physical exhibition. With cutting-edge 3D scanning technology, their varied narratives of the fashion designers were then translated into precise data and rendered by 3D animators into virtual masterpieces combined with avatars and “future humans” on real and surreal platforms. While building this fashion meta-universe, their physical installations were processed by a fashion technology and graphic programmers using virtual fabric physics technology. At the same time, the dimensions of these pieces were carefully measured and analysed to meticulously present an accurate mix of materials, tailoring details, craftsmanship and the motions in the digital realm. As a result, visitors are able to see the actual pieces and life-size virtual renderings on this innovative occasion.
Pop-Up Shop Seamlessly Merged On & Offline Shopping Experience
The fortnight-long event also includes a pop-up shop at the same venue showcasing the ready-to-wear collections by participating Hong Kong designers. Visitors can make online orders right at the pop-up shop to experience how the exhibition and online shopping are seamlessly merged for a whole new experience that surpasses the boundary of the exhibition, seamlessly bringing together online and offline shopping experience.
A Ground-breaking Runway Blurring Virtuality and Reality
“JUXTAPOSED 2023 Hong Kong Fashion in Bangkok” continues to mesmerize viewers with its virtual-meets-real synchronised fashion show on screens daily from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. until November 5, 2023. Surrounded by LED screens, the guests may immerse themselves in an extraordinary world where virtual and real models cross paths on a surreal runway inspired by cities such as Shanghai, Paris, Seoul, and Hong Kong. It invites the audience into a virtual-meets-real fashion metaverse, challenges the conventional format of fashion shows and widens the industry’s imagination.
For more details, please visit Juxtaposed Facebook page
由香港時裝設計師協會(協會)主辦、香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」贊助的「JUXTAPOSED 對比 2023 香港時裝風尚·曼谷」,已於 10 月 22 日登陸泰國曼谷ICONSIAM,作為「香港周 2023@曼谷」節目之一,推廣香港時裝。協會是次與香港創科單位及製作團隊合作,採用先進虛擬技術,將時裝設計的創意與傳統工藝,以嶄新方式展示,獻上全方位虛擬時裝表演及互動展覽,讓觀眾能即場體驗時裝元宇宙,帶領業界及公眾探索時裝在設計、營運與銷售多方面的嶄新模式。
「JUXTAPOSED 對比 2023 香港時裝風尚·曼谷」秉承推動及探索時裝業界未來發展的理念,今次不但集合 52 位不同世代的香港時裝設計師及 4 位泰國設計師的作品,以實體展覽形式呈現,更將他們不同風格特色的作品,透過立體掃瞄技術數碼衣服設計師精準的數據採集,再由三維動畫師重組成數碼虛擬作品,讓作品、虛擬替身及未來人類同時在現實與超現實國度中出現。在實踐時裝元宇宙概念的過程中,實體作品需由虛擬時裝科技及圖像程式設計員以虛擬布料物理技術處理,同時仔細量度作品的每一分寸,更要分析瞭解每位時裝設計師的設計細節,才能分毫不差地將不同物料、各具特色剪裁和手工造詣的作品特點以及穿著形態以數碼化呈現,讓公眾在虛擬世界依然可看到高度像真的時裝作品,跟實體作品同場對比,為觀眾帶來視覺與思維上的刺激。
期間限定實體店 線上線下無縫連接購物
為期兩周的時裝展覽之外,還設有期間限定店,展示香港設計師日常系列產品,延續JUXTAPOSED 2020 時裝展覽與網上購物雙結合的即時網上訂購服務,讓公眾在體驗沉浸式時裝展覽後,回到現實享受時裝的真實質感,進一步實踐線上、線下無縫連接的時裝生活。
展覽開幕當天(10 月 22 日),大會以虛擬與真實同步的時裝匯演作序幕,觀眾被四面屏幕牆包圍,同時欣賞虛擬與真人模特兒的交替演出,模特兒遊走於以上海、巴黎、首爾及香港作設計靈感的超現實天橋中,帶領觀眾投身虛實結合的時裝元宇宙內,打破傳統時裝表演界限,開闊業界的無限想像。除受邀嘉賓外,公眾也可以透過展覽場外的屏幕及社交平台欣賞到是次時裝表演之現場直播,及後的公開展覽,觀眾也可以欣賞到這場精心製作的虛擬時裝表演。

JUXTAPOSED 2023 Hong Kong Fashion in Shenzhen
Juxtaposed 對比 2023 香港時裝風尚.深圳
The Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association (HKFDA), with sponsorship of Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, opened “JUXTAPOSED 2023 Hong Kong Fashion in Shenzhen” ran from December 17 until 27, 2023 at MixC Qianhai, Shenzhen.
Immersive Exhibition Installations Visually Impacts the Imagination of Fashion
Gathering the design power of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, “JUXTAPOSED 2023 Hong Kong Fashion in Shenzhen” invited 52 Hong Kong fashion designers across different generations and styles and four designers from Shenzhen and Macau respectively for a physical exhibition. While building this fashion meta-universe, their physical installations were processed by a fashion technology and graphic programmers using virtual fabric physics technology. The public were able to appreciate different styles of fashion textures up close through the immersive exhibition installation, and experience the fashion design character of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It was the largest exhibition held by the Association in Shenzhen.
Pop-Up Shop Seamlessly Merged On & Offline Shopping Experience
The 10-day event also includes a pop-up shop at the same venue showcasing the ready-to-wear collections by participating Hong Kong designers. Visitors can make online orders right at the pop-up shop to experience how the exhibition and online shopping are seamlessly merged for a whole new experience that surpasses the boundary of the exhibition, seamlessly bringing together online and offline shopping experience.
For more details, please visit Juxtaposed Facebook page
由香港時裝設計師協會(協會)主辦、香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」贊助的「JUXTAPOSED對比2023 香港時裝風尚·深圳」,已於 12 月 17至27日登陸深圳萬象前海商場。協會是次與香港創科單位及制作團隊合作,采用先進虛擬技術將2022年成功在香港舉行的首個全方位虛擬時裝表演及互動展覽,帶到香港以外地區,繼10月在泰國曼谷展出,作為「香港周2023@曼谷」節目之一後將空降於深圳時裝業界及公眾眼前,透過探索時裝元宇宙領域,帶動業界與公眾的創意交流體驗。
沈浸式展覽現場 以視覺沖擊時裝想
「JUXTAPOSED對比2023 香港時裝風尚·深圳」集結粵港澳大灣區的設計力量,邀請了52位不同世代、不同風格的香港時裝設計師及四位分別來自深圳及澳門的設計師參與其中,屆時將展出各單位以創新意念與傳統工藝交織而成的實體作品,讓公眾透過沈浸式展覽裝置,近距離欣賞不同風格的時裝質感,感受粵港澳大灣區的時裝設計特色。場地裝置借著豐富視覺沖擊與展品互相對比,映襯出每件時裝作品的獨特風格、精細工藝,同時透過虛擬影像,帶領參觀者神遊於虛擬國度,達至現實與虛擬同步的時裝體驗,顯現日新月異的先進科技如何刺激創意,同時又如何結合傳統時裝工藝,呈現廿一世紀獨有的時裝風景。這將是協會在深圳舉辦的最大型展覽。
期間限定實體店 線上線下無縫連接購物
為期十天的時裝展覽之外,還設有期間限定店,展示香港設計師日常系列產品,延續JUXTAPOSED 2020時裝展覽與網上購物雙結合的即時網上訂購服務,讓公眾在體驗沈浸式時裝展覽後,回到現實享受時裝的真實質感,進一步實踐線上、線下無縫連接的時裝生活。

InterVision Fashion Flow 2023
InterVision 時尚交流2023
Organized by the Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association (HKFDA) with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government's "CreateHK" as the lead sponsor, the "InterVision Fashion Flow 2023" will open its curtain on 28 November 2023 at the HKDC Design & Fashion Base, as one of the highlights of the "Greater Bay Area Creative Night".
The event will start with a large-scale fashion show, followed by a public exhibition from 29 November to 4 December, aiming to promote Hong Kong fashion and facilitate industry exchanges in the Greater Bay Area, providing a new platform for experiences. HKFDA collaborates with local creative and production teams to plan and execute a virtual fashion show and interactive exhibition. By using cutting-edge AI virtual technology, they integrate innovative technological elements into Sham Shui Po, a historically significant hub of Hong Kong fashion. The goal is to promote creative exchanges within the GBA region and provide new fashion experiences to the public.
由香港時裝設計師協會(協會)主辦、香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」(創意香港)贊助的「InterVision Fashion Flow 時尚交流 2023 」,將於 2023 年 11 月 28 日於香港設計中心設計及時裝基地(HKDC Design & Fashion Base)隆重揭幕,成為這個新地標首辦,並同樣獲「創意香港」贊助的「大灣區創意之夜」的重點項目之一。當日將會以大型時裝表演作活動序幕,並於 11 月 29 日至 12 月 4 日開放予公眾參觀展覽,為推廣香港時裝及促進粵港澳大灣區(大灣區)業界交流,提供嶄新的體驗平台。協會是次與香港創科單位及製作團隊合作,採用先進人工智能虛擬技術締造全方位虛擬時裝表演及互動展覽,為深水埗這個香港時裝重要發源地,注入創新科技元素,帶動跨地域交流,並為公眾製造嶄新時尚體驗。