Executive Committee
Vice Chairman
Walter Ma

Opening his first boutique in Hong Kong in 1975 – called Vee – Walter Ma is a pioneer of the fashion world in Hong Kong. As the Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association, Ma and other enthusiastic designers created a solid foundation for the fashion industry, guiding the transformation of Hong Kong’s identity from an inexpensive garment manufacturing centre to a designer of upmarket cosmopolitan fashions. In 1997, Ma was awarded the Energetic and Creativity Award of Porsche Design and the Artist of the Year Awards 1997 –Fashion Designer in recognition of his professional endeavours and commitment to the Hong Kong fashion industry.
馬偉明於1975年開設其首間時裝店 Vee Boutique,成為首位建立個人品牌的本地時裝設計先驅。現任香港時裝設計師協會副主席,與其他熱心的時裝設計師一起為香港時裝界奠定良好根基,使香港從廉價的成衣工業中心轉變為一個設計高級時裝的大都會。1997年榮獲保時捷設計創意動力大獎及藝術家年獎時裝設計師大獎,以表彰其專業及對推動香港時裝產業發展的貢獻。