Executive Committee
Executive Committee Member
Simon Choi

Graduated from the Swire School of Design of the H.K. Polytechnic with distinction in Fashion Design in 1984, Simon's early achievements include winning the Awards of Overall Winner and Creativity in the Young Designers' Show '87 organised by the H.K.T.D.C. He soon dedicated himself in designing sophisticated and contemporary women's fashion. After working for various fashion houses such as Ragnece Lam, Joseph Ho, Signature and Mondial Atelier, he is now creating his own label - Character which specializes in producing both women's casual and party wear.
蔡劍明於一九八四年畢業於香港理工學院之時裝設計系,並榮獲優異成績,在一九八七年,更在由香港貿易發展局主辨之全港青年時裝設計師大賽中贏取了全場總冠 軍和創意大獎。自此,Simon致力於設計典雅和時尚之女裝,他曾就業設計之品牌包括有Ragence Lam, Joseph Ho, Signature 和 Mondial Atelier, Simon現在積極創作其個人之品牌CHARACTER,銷售時尚之優閑及宴會女服。
Company Name
A Fashion Design Limited
Rm A, 15/F, Block 3, Concord Bldg., 102 Soy Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong