Executive Committee
Executive Committee Member
Richard Li

Fashion Connoisseur, Furniture Designer and Interior Design Consultant — Richard Li is truly gifted in multidisciplinary design disciplines. Growing up in the humble gusto of Hong Kong, Richard showed a keen sensitivity towards refined beauty and craftsmanship starting at his early age. It was this enthusiastic pursuit which led him to take up study in fashion design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (1984-89).
Richard was awarded the “Winner of the NonKnitwear Group of Hong Kong Young Designer Show” in 1988, entering the competition as a student yet won over all entries from professional fashion designers. Richard is very passionate about travelling and photography. Hence he comes to understand the importance of "Travel Light/Travel Right", which has inspired him to launch his own brand — “Lebaag Voyage”. His latest collection carries an eccentricity that unfolds through innovative design products such as the multi-function convertible jacket, the transformable three-inone neck pillow, and the rainproof carry bag series etc. His rich design experience has led him to be especially adventurous in exploring innovative materials for adapting to various disciplines--interior, fashion and furniture. Says Richard: “Design is adding the extras to the Ordinary; such is Extraordinary.”
在1988年大學期間就以香港貿發局青年時裝組織冠軍的身份在時裝界嶄露頭角,以學生的身份參加比賽但是卻贏了比賽內的所有專業時裝設計師。 李國華對旅行和攝影具有強烈的喜愛。他明白需要在輕裝簡行的同時,更要保持時尚優雅的形象,於是他創立了創意旅行產品品牌 ”Lebaag voyage”。他的設計都極具創意,例如多功能變身衣服,三合一頸枕,防雨包系列等等。 他豐富的設計經驗使他能探索使用創新材料,以應用在室內設計,家具設計和時裝設計等不同的設計領域。