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Rebecca Leung

Growing up in a creative family environment, Rebecca has taken from her father who was responsible for Architecture construction management, not only her talent for drawing but also her technical ability to create forms of aesthetic value. She gradually found her own creative path when she was 10, and she was also encouraged to be a fashion designer later by her mother who was a skillful sewing worker in Hong Kong 1970s.
Rebecca Leung received her Master in Global Fashion Management (2012) and Bachelor of Arts Degree in fashion (1990) both at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. During her study, Miss Leung got her achievement by receiving Winsor & Cathay Scholarships and Awards like the "Overall Winner & Casual wear Winner" by Hong Kong Fur Federation; "2nd Winner" of Knitwear Design by Saint Andre (French), and "Silver Prize" in a Fashion Expo in Gifu (Japan).
With over 20 years of experience, Rebecca got strong knowledge in materials; fitting and technical skills. Throughout her working path, she had chances to cooperate with French, Japanese, Korean, and British designers, with a focus on Trends and Colours; Brand Marketing, and Collection Design. Multi’s cultural experience encourages her to build up her own "Design Strategy" for the markets. Finally, she was promoted from a Chief designer to a Brand Manager. These opportunities exposed her to retail businesses in China, Japan, the UK, and Germany.
In a dramatic change in 2008, Rebecca worked as a fashion tutor at the University of Huddersfield & Caritas Bianchi College of Careers for 8 years. No matter in the Fashion industry or in Education, Rebecca is still full of energy. In her portfolio, Rebecca represents she is a creative, highly motivated & individual who loves to extend her energy/passion to different directions.
Rebecca is the founder of "Hong Kong Green Designers Association" which started in 2014, she keeps on promoting the Green concept to the public no matter in fashion/recycled furniture, or daily life.
In 2015, she established her company "Passion & Action", which offers various services like Fashion; Sustainable, and Youth Development. Her success was proved by years of cooperation with different companies e.g. (TDC Center stage/ Interstoff/ Uniform Power/ Amway/ MTR/ Olympian City/ APM/ Osim/ X-Box 360/ Cannon) different NGOs e.g. (HKFF/ Hulu/ Redress/ Salvation Army) different Universities e.g. (Hang Seng College/ The Hong Kong Polytechnic/ HKDI/ Thei).
Her excellent track record in the projects is appreciated by potential partners therefore, in 2018, she started with engineering expertise to work out fashion with wearable technology items continuously lifestyle lighting with electronic. It shows that Rebecca is full of ideas in her life, she loves to start up projects and designs with detailed planning, and her positive attitude gains a lot of networking in supporting her business with clients.
梁韻鳴 Rebecca 在一個富有創造力的家庭環境中成長,她繼承了負責建築施工管理的父親的繪畫天份及創造審美價值的能力。她在10歲時逐漸找到了自己的創作道路,後來也被70年代香港熟練車縫的母親 ,鼓勵她成為一名時裝設計師。
梁韻鳴獲香港理工大學頒發服裝文學士學位 (1990)及全球化服裝管理文學碩士 (2012),她曾多次獲得獎學金及獎項,如「香港毛皮業協會」皮草設計大賽全場總冠軍及便服獎、法國「聖安德」毛紗廠毛衣設計第二名及日本「名古屋岐阜縣」時裝博覽比賽銀獎。她由設計到品牌經理超過二十多年,曾接觸中國、日本、英國及德國的零售業。其後梁女士分別於 2014/15年成立了「香港綠色設計師協會」與不同機構合作 志力推動設計與「綠色」文化教育及創辦「Passion & Action」公司的同時,獲理工大學邀請參與項目研發及推動。
她在項目中的出色表現,受到不同方向的合作夥伴的欣賞。因此,在 2018年她與工程及電子專業伙伴,通過可穿戴技術項目而不斷開發其他新項目。今年2022,更啟動了時尚生活電子照明燈項目。這又證明了Rebecca在生活中充滿創意,她喜歡以詳細的計劃啟動項目和設計,她積極的態度獲得了很多人脈的支持,而啟動她與客戶的發展機會。