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Otto Tang

Oplus2 was founded by designer Otto Tang in 2015. Otto loves photography, he always travels to different countries to shoot different landscapes and still life photos. Between the universe, Otto believes that every object has their vitality through the observations from different angles and different people.
With the sensibility to create the perfect integration between nature and emotions in design, the Oplus2 collections are presenting the brand concept - “The Capture of Life”. The design of the brand emphasise on the feature of rich details and minimalistic style, with a combination of different graphic print designs, materials, silhouettes and sports elements to unveil women’s vitality. Otto has been working tirelessly to create a series of works that reflect freshness and youthful spirits.
Otto Tang holds a BTEC Higher National Diploma in Fashion Design from the University of Saiford, and (BA) Hons Fashion Design from University of Huddersfield (First Honor). Otto joined veteran fashion designer Lu Lu Cheung’s label to start and develop his career in fashion design immediately after his graduation. Otto assisted to create numerous acclaimed collections for Lu Lu Cheung, including several spring/summer and fall/winter collections from recent years. As a prolific young practitioner of fashion design, Otto participated in numerous fashion contests, and holds the notable distinction of winning outright the Young Designers Contest (Ten Best Collection) organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council in 2003, the Hong Kong New Collection Award (Overall Winner) organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council in 2005; and the Young Designer Talent Award 2007 organised by Hong Kong Design Centre.
Oplus2由設計師鄧曉滔(Otto Tang) 於2015年創立。Otto喜歡攝影,他會到不同地方旅遊拍攝不同的風景和靜物照。Otto認為在宇宙之間,通過從不同的角度和不同人的觀察,每個物體都具有生命力。Oplus2的設計均具有在自然和情感之間完美融合的感性,呈現品牌“捕捉生活剪影”的概念。品牌系列強調豐富的細節和簡約的風格,配上不同的影像印花設計、材質物料、輪廓線條及運動元素的創意組合展現女性的活力。Otto一直堅持不懈地創作充滿清新和青春的氣息的系列作品。
Otto擁有英國索爾福德大學BTEC時裝設計高級國家文憑和英國哈德斯菲爾德大學榮譽學士學位(一級榮譽)。畢業後從加入資深時裝設計師Lu Lu Cheung的品牌工作開始發展自己的時裝設計事業。Otto協助Lu Lu Cheung創作了眾多備受讚譽的系列,包括近年來的幾個春夏系列和秋冬系列。作為一位經驗豐富的年輕時裝設計師,Otto 曾參與多個時裝設計比賽,當中包括2003年香港貿易發展局舉辦的香港青年時裝設計家創作表演賽十大優異獎、2005年香港貿易發展局香港新系列時裝創作大獎總冠軍以及2007年香港設計中心香港青年設計才俊獎。
Company Name
Shop 306 3/F K11 Artmall Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Hong Kong
(852) 2156 1055 / (852) 9155 2370