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May Wong

May Wong is currently a lecturer of Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI). She studied fashion design courses at the Polytechnic University and then obtained the qualification to join the British Textile Institute Fellowship. Specialised in knitted works designs for men and women, she founded the brands "LeSoleil", "Concetti de Maggio" Women and smart casual wear. Upholding the design philosophy of “simple but unique”, she combines different structure and texture in her creations. With her specialty in ladies’ woven and knitwear, she has also served as a fashion consultant for a number of internationally renowned brands.
現為「香港知專設計學院」(HKDI)講師,於工業學院修讀時裝設計課程後,於理工大學深造,並考獲英國紡織學會院士資格後投身時裝設計界,專門設計男女裝針織作品,曾創立品牌「LeSoleil」、「Concetti de Maggio」女裝及時尚便服,黃美華的強項在於針、梭織類時尚設計。她的設計理念「簡單而獨特」,並且在作品中融合不同的版型結構和面料。亦曾為多間國際知名品牌擔任時裝顧問工作。