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Koyo William Cheung

KOYO WILLIAM, a distinguished arts practitioners, the founder and former chairman of KOYO fashion group, best known of its chain of KOYO clothing and accessories shops, Over the years , with William’s artistic and creativity ability, insisted on the spirit to contribute back to the society. William have won a variety of industry accolade which have also been recognised as Top Ten outstanding designer award for HKADF event. His designs have been exhibited in Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei and Hong Kong Heritage Museum, while his fashion shows also be involved in a number of international stages including Copenhagen, Denmark, and Tokyo MERCEDES-BENZ’s fashion week. Moreover, William has been partnering with various international superstars, such as G-Dragon, 2NE1, Big Bang, Alan Tam, Daniel Chan, Janice Yan, Paul Wong, Tai Chi and MR etc, he designed concert side product for Jay Chow, as well as evening suit for President Xi at Carnival in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of HKSAR and Miss Hong Kong Pageant. William is very keen on glooming young designers. He has been participating as one of the judges of HKDI for many years, also sponsoring styling shows and scholarships to encourage students who are interested in fashion design.
張國威KOYO WILLIAM,時尚服裝品牌KOYO創始人,資深藝術傳媒,多年來獲獎無數,其中憑他的藝術創意和對社會的積極回饋而獲得香港十大傑出設計師大奬的銜頭,他的豐富創作涵蓋了街頭時裝,舞台造型及傳統文化藝術等不同設計領域。
他更帶領其品牌KOYO曾進駐在巴黎時尚街道 31 rue etienne marcel Paris及 lafayette百貨。作品曾獲邀於台北當代藝術館及香港文化博物館展出。而他的時裝表演亦涉及多個國際舞台包括丹麥哥本哈根、曰本東京MERCEDES-BENZ等多個著名時裝週。KOYO WILLIAM除了在時裝設計方面擁有驕人的成就外,近年更與多位知名國際巨星成為演唱會合作夥伴,包括G-Dragon、2NE1、Big Bang、譚詠麟、陳嘵東、閻奕格、黃貫中、太極樂隊及MR樂隊等等,更為亞洲巨星「周杰倫之地表最强2」設計演唱會產品。他亦同時獲邀為習近平主席出席的「慶祝香港回歸祖國二十周年文藝晚會」及「香港小姐比賽」設計晚禮服作表演。KOYO WILLIAM亦致力培育年輕設計師,多年來擔任HKDI校外評審,亦屢次贊助學生的造型設計表演,捐出獎學金用於學生交流計劃,積極支持學生活動。