Executive Committee
Executive Committee Member
Henry Lau

Henry Lau graduated in a fashion design programme from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He subsequently founded his own design company, along with his own brand “SPYHENRYLAU”, specializing in casual street style with sophistication. Inspired by the details of everyday life, he enjoys injecting theatrical and experimental elements into his collections through the use of special themes and stories. His casual wear always features a hint of stage glamour. Publishing his book “Henry fashion dairy”, he also obtained the “10 Outstanding Design Award”, “40 UNDER 40” designer award and "B&W great advancement award".
Having worked with numerous internationally renowned brands, he has also created designs for local A-listed artists and acted as the image or art director for numerous concerts. His works always combine with a pleasant surprise in terms of colours and materials. His collections are held in very high regard by the local fashion scene and also attract the attention of international buyers. Henry launched his new creation SPY HOUSE in Central. With East meeting West as the main idea, the stunning shop design has already attracted many fashion lovers and tourists to pay a visit.
劉志華畢業於香港理工大學服裝設計系,其後創辦設計公司和推出個人品牌「SPYHENRYLAU」,以年青男女的便服為主。他的意念和靈感來自日常生活細節,每每以特別電影主題或故事形式來設計其系列,並會注入戲劇化和實驗性新元素,在便服中注入舞台特色。曾推出首本時裝日誌《相由衫生,衣由心生》,並獲得香港十大設計師大獎、40 UNDER 40大獎,及B&W Great Advancement Award。曾與多個國際著名品牌合作,亦為多位天皇巨星設計服飾及擔任演唱會形象指導。其設計既前衛又富創意,色彩和選料皆予人驚喜。系列深獲多國好評,吸引當地買家。其中環旗艦店以東西合壁為創作主題,獨特的店面設計已成為遊客及時裝愛好者的新景點。