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Gary Tsang

Gary Tsang – Creative Director. A visionary Sportswear Designer and Fashion illustrator . Gary Tsang is an ardent athlete on a mountain bicycle and was a representative of Regions for International Competition. Intergrated such inspiration in the design of functional sportswear and fashion style illustration aesthetic. A sports enthusiast and his diverse interests lead Gary to involve in a variety of collaborative projects such as Creative arts , sportswear collection and the fashion style illustration that imply with positive message and try to deliver the “Believe” from his inner vision and share to the world of people around.Gary Tsang also won numerous awards and prizes such as the Global Design Award 2011 & 2016, Hong Kong Jockey Club Most Design Project 2016, Design for Asia award 2016 and the Hong Kong Creative Force 2011 & 2016.
Gary Tsang 曾志豪本身是一位時尚設計師、品牌顧問,亦是跨媒體創作人、插畫師,在香港及內地也展出過不同的設計及藝術展覧。同時既於熱愛運動的性格,更曾是代表香港參加專業山地車比賽的專業運動員,運動與時尚的設計感覺,便成為Gary Tsang 的標誌性設計風格之一,也因此已為多間著名品牌及機構合作。於澳大利亞和英國主修時裝設計和推廣,曾經加入多個國際時裝品牌工作,主力於時尚服飾、休閒服和運動服。擁有不同實戰經驗的跨媒體創作者,Gary Tsang 為客戶提供360 度的設計支援,從市場概念至品牌企劃,產品開發,推廣,都能滿足客戶多角度需求。創意概念是一種想像力,然而除幻想外,設計師的生活態度和喜好,也隨年累月地深深植入其腦袋中,形成一種無限大的創造力,走進設計的產品當中,形成獨一無二的風格。Gary Tsang,便是一位這樣的跨媒體創作人。作品先後獲得多個國際獎項,如全球設計大獎(2011、2016)、香港賽馬會最具創意設計項目設計大獎、香港貿易發展局設計動力 (2011、2016)、亞洲最影響力設計大獎(2015、2016)等。