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Doris Kath Chan

DorisKath’s Creative Director Doris Kath Chan is a talented fashion designer who holds the degree of BA (Hons) Fashion Design Womenswear from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London. With her innovative fashion sense and rich experience in the fashion industry with Richard James, DorisKath has reached a prestigious level in the Hong Kong fashion industry. In the future, she will continue to create the perfect dress for every lady. In a number of international and local fashion shows and events, Doris was interviewed by print and online media, radio stations and television programmes (local and international), etc. Her recent achievements include Grand Variety Show (Fashion Show), an anchor event to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the HKSAR (2017) and Fashion Hong Kong at Copenhagen Fashion Week (2015 & 2016).
設計師Doris Kath Chan 畢業於中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院,她於2014年成立了晚裝派對裙品牌DORISKATH。Doris 以 「一裙多用」的概念設計,這個設計概念既實用又創新,能讓不同個性和身段的女士在不同場合穿著。
Doris Kath Chan曾獲得多家公司、個人客戶以至非牟利團體邀請就品牌和形象方面提供意見。此外,她亦曾獲得各大媒體的多個採訪。她現為香港時裝設計師協會會員,繼續代表香港為時裝界帶來更多新思維。
Company Name
Doris Kath
Rm1203, 12/F, Fook Hong Ind. Bldg, 19 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
(852) 98681981