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Dorian Ho

Dorian Ho is one of the most renowned fashion designers in Hong Kong. He launched his first evening gown collection “Dorian Ho Collection” in 2001. In the same year, his collection was showcased in Sydney at the Mercedes Australian Fashion Week and Fashion Week in New York. Dorian Ho Collection is now selling worldwide. In 2005, he launched his custom-made bridal collection, Dorian Ho Bridal, which made him one of the most popular wedding gown designers. In 2011, he introduced a children’s party clothes collection - ‘BabyDoll By Dorian Ho”, and in the following year, he has launched “Dorian Ho Homme” for men. Taking one step at a time, Dorian Ho is gradually expanding the map of his fashion kingdom. In recent years, Dorian has been designing specialty uniforms for various industries including airlines, banks, hotels, restaurants, property developer and cosmetic companies to name a few. Dorian Ho Collection is currently presented at prestige showrooms in Paris and New York.
何國鉦,香港著名時裝設計師、知名高級時裝品牌創始人。Dorian於2001年建立高級時裝品牌Dorian Ho Collection,其系列同年於澳洲悉尼的Mercedes Australian Fashion Week 及美國紐約的時裝節展出。Dorian Ho Collection 品牌現已暢銷世界各地。2005年首度推出其高級婚紗訂制系列Dorian Ho Bridal,成為最受歡迎婚紗設計師之一。2011年他推出童裝派對服BabyDoll By Dorian Ho 系列,繼而在2012年推出了Dorian Ho Homme,陸續把其時裝王國版圖擴大。最近,Dorian 更加為不同行業設計制服,其客戶包括有航空公司、銀行、酒店、地產發展商及化妝品牌等等。Dorian Ho Collection 女裝系列近年已在巴黎及紐約著名陳列室展出。