Executive Committee
Executive Committee Member
Benny Yeung

Benny is one of the founder members of the Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association when it was formed in 1984, and is now serving as one of the Association’s Alternate Directors.
"The right dress for the right occasion
is the most important aspect in fashion!"
Benny has lived by this motto throughout his fashion designing career which has spanned several decades to date, and is continuing to go from strength to strength.
His spacious studio in the Central business district of Hong Kong Island provides a comfortable environment for his fashion-loving clients to meet and discuss with him their latest requirements. His experience and knowledge as well as his network of international contacts have given him a powerful insight into ways in which fabrics, colours, styles, and accessories can be mixed / matched and co-ordinated to enhance different shapes and sizes to fit all kinds of occasions.
In both Hong Kong and overseas, Benny has built a vast clientele from all walks of life and he is proud to have played a part in helping in the creation of their individual image. Some of his clients have been with him since the start of his career, and are now both clients and lifelong friends. By that, Benny feels blessed to have built a successful and happy career.
Benny 是香港時裝設計師協會於 1984 年成立時的創始成員之一,現擔任該協會其中的一位候補董事。
這是 Benny 在其長達數十年的時裝設計生涯始終秉承的座右銘,他這事業仍然不斷上進。 他的寬敞工作室位於香港中環商務區,為熱愛時尚的客戶提供了一個舒適環境,歡迎與他會面和討論她們的最新需求。 他的經驗和知識以及他的國際聯繫網絡,使他對如何混合/搭配,和協調布料、顏色、款式和配飾,有深入了解,以增強不同形象和身形來適合各種場合。
在香港和海外,Benny 已經建立了來自各行各業的龐大客戶群,他很自豪能夠幫助她們塑造個人形象。有不少客戶從他的職業生涯開始至現在,亦客亦友,使 Benny 很感恩,締造了一段成功快樂的事業。
Company Name
Benny Yeung Workshop
16/F, Unit D, Shing Hing Commerial Building, 21-27 Wing Kut Street, Central, Hong Kong (By appointment only)
(852) 6115 0948