HKFDA continuously contributes to the fashion academic bodies. The HKFDA Young Talent Award & Creativity Awards are annually granted to selected winners from the prominent fashion courses, namely the School of Fashion & Textiles, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Hong Kong Design Institute; Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong; and Caritas Bianchi College of Careers.
These awards are selected by a panel of judges composed of professional HKFDA members. By attending all the above said graduation fashion shows, where the winners of the Creativity Awards are selected on site, the judging panel also shortlist some potential candidates for the Young Talent Award interview, during which the young graduates present their portfolios to compete for the overall winner of the Young Talent Award.
香港時裝設計師協會對積極培育時裝設計新秀從不遺餘力。其中包括香港理工大學時裝及紡織學院 (SFT, PolyU)、香港知專設計學院(HKDI)、香港高等教育科技學院(THEi)和明愛白英奇專業學校(CBCC),設立時裝設計獎項和評審小組、對具設計天份和成績優異的學生予以鼓勵,其中包括青年設計大獎及香港時裝設計師協會創意大獎。協會亦派出資深設計師會員與學生面談,與其分享設計經驗,使之加深對時裝設計的了解,為其投身設計業作出準備。

HKFDA Creativity Awards / Scholarship of Creativity are selected by a panel of judges composed of six or seven of our upstanding members by attending the Graduation Fashion Shows of the Fashion Design institutes in Hong Kong. The Awards are presented by our Chairman / Vice Chairman at the closing of each show.

Ten Best Fashion Visionaries Award
Formerly known as the “Ten Best Dressed Award”, it aims to present the group of celebrities with good vision in fashion, as well as industry professionals who actively promote the development of fashion.

Mickey Lee Fashion Illustration Award
As one of the Founding Members and past Vice Chairman of HKFDA, Mickey Lee graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic and had furthered his studies in the U.K. at Leeds Polytechnic and Central Saint Martin School of Art & Design.
Returning to Hong Kong in 1977, he began his career working for the HKTDC as a fashion designer. Throughout his vibrant multi disciplinary design career, he had worked as Design Consultant & Art Director for multinational brands as well as for celebrity clienteles.
Acclaimed as one of the iconic fashion illustrators in Hong Kong, Mickey demonstrated the power of colors and lines through his work with the variety of styles he created.
1977年回港,以時裝設計師的身份在香港貿發局工作。 在他充滿活力的多學科設計生涯中,他曾擔任跨國品牌和名人客戶的設計顧問和藝術總監。